Materials of the philosophical Conference "Universe of Plato’s Thought"

1. The First History Philosophy Conference “Universe of Plato’s Thought”. The materials are published in “Vestnik. Saint Petersburg State University”, 1994, ser. 6, issue 3, pp. 3-37, 125-126.

2. “Universe of Plato’s Thought II: Dialogue Plane and Metaphysics”. Second Plato’s Conference Proceedings 10 May 1994. Published in “Vestnik. Saint Petersburg State University 1995, ser. 6, issue 1, pp. 114–120

3. “Universe of Plato’s Thought III: Metaphysics or Myth Implied”, Saint Petersburg, 11 May 1995. Published in a newspaper “Saint Petersburg University” N 14, 17 May, p. 7 . In toto the materials are published in “AKAΔHMEIA”, Issue 3, 2000.

4. “Universe of Plato’s Thought IV: Rationalism or Philosophical Religion?” Fourth Plato’s Conference Proceedings, Saint Petersburg 14 May 1996 and History Philosophy Seminar 29 March&nbash;2 April 1997.

5. “Universe of Plato’s Thought, Round Table: On Paganism Nature”. The seminar took place in Saint Petersburg in April 1996. The Discussions report are published in a magazine “Saint Petersburg University” (1996, N 22, pp. 16–19).

6. “Universe of Plato’s Thought V: Matters of cognition. The Right thinking Procedure Doxa and Noesis”. Fifth Plato’s Conference Proceedings, Saint-Petersburg, 26-29 May 1997.

7. “Universe of Plato’s Thought VI: Matters of cognition. Cosmos. Master Destiny (Cosmogony and Cosmology in Platonism, “Timaeus’ tradition and antique physics)”. Sixth Plato’s Conference Proceedings, Saint-Petersburg, 28-29 May 1998.

8. “Universe of Plato’s Thought VII: Philosophy as Ethos”. Plato’s Conference Proceedings. Saint-Petersburg, 28-29 May 1999, published in “AKAΔHMEIA”, Issue 4, 2002, pp. 278-310

9. “Universe of Plato’s Thought VIII: Platonism and antique Psychology”. Eight Plato’s Conference Proceedings. Saint-Petersburg, 23-24 June 2000.

10. “Universe of Plato’s Thought IX: Neo-Platonism and Christianity. Socrates’ Apologies”. Ninth Plato’s Conference Proceedings . Saint-Petersburg, 23-24 June 2001. and the materials of the philosophy history seminar on May 14 2001, devoted to 2400 Anniversary from Socrates’ Execution Day, Saint Petersburg 2001.

11. “Universe of Plato’s Thought X: Platonism and European Culture on the brink of the Millenia”. Tenth Plato’s Conference Proceedings. Saint-Petersburg, 23-24 June 2002.

12. “Universe of Plato’s Thought XI: XXIV centuries of Platonism. Tradition and Novation in the history of the most ancient European school. Eleventh Plato’s Conference Proceedings. Saint-Petersburg, 22-23 June 2003.

13. “Universe of Plato’s Thought XII: Eighteen centuries after Plotin’s Birthday. Plotin and World philosophy” (Saint-Petersburg, 24 June 2004). Published in “AKAΔHMEIA”, Issue 6, 2005, pp.375-419.

14. “Universe of Plato’s Thought XIII: Platonic and Aristotelian tradition in antique and European philosophy”. Thirteenth Plato’s Conference Proceedings. Saint-Petersburg, 23 June 2005

15. “Universe of Plato’s Thought XIV: A Philosopher or a Politician: An Alternative? (Political philosophy and Platonism)”. Fourteenth Plato’s Conference Proceedings. Saint-Petersburg , 23-24 June 2006.