St. Petersburg Plato’s Philosophical Society
Scientific and Educational Information Resource
The project is created and is being developed with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (grant N 12-03-12028v), the "Development of the Electronic Database " Materials and Researches on History of Ancient Philosophy " (grant N 08-03-12126), "Development of the Hypertext Information Resource "Texts by Ancient Greek Philosophers", (grant N 05-03-12320, “Development of Information Resource “History of Antique Platonism project”, Project Manager Ph.D. A.V. Tsyb, Reg. N01201273112 in the Center of Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Authorities.
This site grows out of the long-term project of St.-Petersburg Plato’s Philosophical Society functioning from 2005 to 2012.
The project aims at development and improvement of the operating scientific and educational information resource monitoring events of scientific activity of St.Petersburg Plato’s Philosophical Society, digital versions of the historical philosophical collection "AKAΔHMEIA: researches on Platonism history", materials of the historical philosophical conferences "Universe of Plato’s Thought" and Summer Schools of Young Scientists "ПΛATΩNOПOΛIΣ: philosophical approach as interdisciplinary synthesis of philosophical, historical and philological researches". And also the site should demonstrate similar foreign scientific communities, representing also Digital Library of Ancient Greek philosophical Literature and covering classical and modern historical philosophical researches devoted to it.
The project is logical continuation of the previous materials devoted to the publication of the extracts from the history of an Antique Platonism. It is our intention to continue the publishing of classical texts on ancient philosophy — early Greek, cynical, stoical, epicurean, skeptical, hermetic, gnostic, early Christian texts. Development of the digital database covering scientific research as well as the Scientists personal working in the spheres of ancient philosophy, dissertations content, publications of materials of current foreign activities of this subject and creation of an interactive portal is planned also. The project is directed on the consolidation of efforts in discussing of topical problems of modern history of ancient philosophy as scientific discipline.
The Secretary in Chief for the Plato's Philosophical Society, the Head of the Project, Ph.D. Alexey V. Tsyb |
The Project Administrator Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes SPbSU Sergey Y. Sevryukov |