Дамарис Мэшем (Lady Damaris Masham)
Occasional Thoughts in reference to a Vertuous or Christian Life. Текст по изданию 1705 года, с сайта Free EBooks by Project Gutenberg
Переписка Дамарис Мешем с Лейбницем// Die philophischen schriften von Gottfried Wilheim Leibniz, vol. III. Leipzig, 1931. S. 331–375.
Buickerood J. G. What is it with Damaris, Lady Masham?: the historiography of one early modern woman philosopher// Locke studies. 5 (2005). P. 179–214.
Hutton S. Debating the Faith: Damaris Masham (1658–1708) and Religious Controversy//Debating the Faith: Religion and Letter Writing in Great Britain, 1550-1800/ Ed. by Anne Dunan-Page & Clotilde Prunier. NY–L., 2013. P. 159–176
Kyler K. Discourse Concerning the Love of God via Damaris Masham. A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of San Diego State University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Masters of Arts in Philosophy. 2013
Раздел, посвящённый Дамарис Мешем, на сайте Project Vox
Hutton S. Lady Damaris Masham — статья на сайте Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Damaris Cudworth Masham// Wikipedia (en)
Damaris Cudworth Masham на сайте Society for the Study of Women Philosophers